Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Turn of the year
*warning wall of text spotted*
Lets start off with my new school. VJC. I've never once regretted going into this school even though my results is probably as good as my vacuum cleaner. Don't say i never fulfil my potential, its just not clicking for me, yet, YET. haha ok, i've made new friends, close friends, had some disputes, mature more (i hope), and probably also seen some ugly parts of the real world out there. New friends are silver, old friends are gold, thats for sure.
I have an amazing class, truly. I feel contented and lucky to have such a class like them. I've the honour to make friends with people like elton, wenkai and harry etc. haha, the famous four who talk cocks during econs tutorials. Not forgetting timothy, chin boon, randy and cedric, who (each of them) has allowed me to learn how to improve as a person, be it through good times and bad times. I know myself, there are things which when i cant accept, i wont accept, stubborn would be a good word here (Thats like wenger so hey! wads wrong?!). I've learned and enjoyed a lot from all these individuals the past year, so no matter how bad things may turn out, i really want to thank them.
Not to forget the girls! yu sin, sherlyn and li xuan has been wonderful in making our class such an enjoyable place. The energy they maintain each and every single day and the way they spice up our lives (haha) is probably instrumental in making our class bonded. Fantastic energy really.
Sherli, my pw mate with her 'so irritating' catch phrase, will not be left out too. I'm lucky to have her and cedric and jiang wei as my grp mates, putting up with my nonsense and my really bad anger management at times. Oh and all the hard times i had to put through during the latter part of the year, thanks a lot for listening my incessant complains during those long bloody 43 rides, haha so arigato sherli! And shu han, one of the 2 girls i've first met in VJ. Your enthusiasm during class outings and all was superb too!
and theres xin rui! hahhaa SG awww. One of the most enjoyable prank i had this year was from SG and HG. Honey boy is really quite sweet, really. =) SG is a really nice girl ok, apart from the fact that she is quite ley chey, quite whiney, talks a wee bit too much and too loud at times, eats quite lot, make fun of others. Yea shes nice. really. And shes a good listener! I'm very happy to have a friend like SG who can chat chit (yea like dane cook, i flipped this shit) for hours with me. Oh ya, she mj damn slow also, apart from that she is a good friend!
Plus the long lost ka lun siamed to america. My short span of friendship with him was an unforgettable one!
Ok the chapter for the class is over, let move on to some of my older friends, shall we? Yes we shall.
I must have been a monk for my past life and past past life to have the luck to have friends like zi quan, teng wee, en hao and nian kiat. Quan will be my closest and bestest friend for 8 years starting from tmr, gosh how time flies! Me <3 <3 der worz. From the tootsie wootsie boy to the ultimate cute shiat now, unbelieveable stuff. I've known quan since p4 till now, we were even schl mates since 1999? haha, we couldn't be schl mates for 2008 and of course 2009 but our friendship still hold strong! all our failed mugging sessions in 2008 still fresh in my mind, rmb blasting songs and erny guitar and the ipod with bon jovi live in BK and the disgusting M&Ms. God, now i know why my results sucked. =P
If i were to rob a bank, i would ask teng wee. uh huh. Hes the guy whom i will go through thick and thin with, considering all the stuff (good and bad but mostly bad) we've been through already. He's been a real buddy to me and one who can tahan my incessant crap. Though we weren't schl mates in 2008, 2008 still saw us played lotsa crazy soccer (and dangerous sliding) softball and whatnots. haha. Hes just one person who i wish that when i'm in trouble, he will be right beside me saying "fuck that was fun!" =) Thanks alot my buddy! The only downside to you is that u are a destroyer and like to destroy my room. and who can forget ur crazy softball throws?!
En Hao brought Bon Jovi in my life and hes a really great person to study and hang out with. Dramas make the world go round and 2008 saw us swapping tonnes of secrets and boy and girl issues haha. My lips are sealed, i wont say a word! He's really nitrogen (N2? Geddit?) about softball and all the sb sessions we had at the cage was fun ttm!
NK, my er hu buddy, haha, what can i say? i will bring him along if i were to rob a bank too but knowing him, he'll chicken out be4 the time arrives!
2008 also saw me knowing some new awesome friend like..
HG! haha the story goes: this girl pei ying (not her real name) decided to play a prank on the uber cute guy jw(not his real name) and she penned a lovey dovey love letter to him, addressing him as Honey boy! hha aka HB, and thats how the name came out. haha. HG has been a great person to be with and shes good entertainment on the occasional 55 bus rides we take home. Hopefully, ur luck will change for the better in 2009! Both in life and mj!
Then theres lydia! Aka Shi fu in terms of cuteness and funniness. Shes a really great friend to be with and i feel very comfortable chatting with her. I was lucky enough to have her as my fellow OGL and my mass dance partner too! We would frequently try to unravel the secret on why we are born so cute but to no avail. hmm. lol perhaps that is why i had to send her home to her ultrauberulu hdb when we hang out till late at night. Though i have to sacrifice myself by jeopardizing myself to those perverts out there, its all worth it yea. Anw, i really think its unsafe for girls to go home so late in SK, so many perverts out there!
Then theres the one person who can compete with zi quan, julynn! We met in P4 and were monitor and monitress in p6! We've been friends since and who can forget those stupid nights on msn when we'll just crap rubbish and gossip. ah yes, its nice to gossip with dear monitress! Fate allowed us to become schoolmates again and i really cherish our friendship. Afterall, we even org the 6 faith bbq this year (it was a success btw) and that goes to show how capable we all are! Oh and all the hk serial dramas we love so much haha. I even lent her some of my O lvl notes and allowed her to come to VJ! I rock yea. Hopefully our friendship can last till 2038 or even 2080 or even 2123 or.. argh u get the drift. Thanks a trillion my beloved monitress!
That would be literally friends forever.
Summary and recap of 2008
1. VJC
3. 02 OGL
4. Promos
5. Taiwan trip with ohana
6. PW
7. MJ!
8. ARC
Air rifle club realli has the potential to succeed. At times, i really feel i am not putting enough effort as an exco, but i will try and try harder. I am grateful to the club and the opportunity that has been handed to me. The laughter, fun, joy and support the club and the members have given me this past year is really wonderful and i would never experience it elsewhere. I cherish my time in the club and i feel the exco, jun han, esmond, chai li, audrey, wei yao and chiah hock are an exceptional bunch and we'll do well. We have the right combination and lets push tgt to our target. No doubt it would be tough and strenous next year, i have the belief that we can reach to that level we all deserve, the very best. I have seen massive improvement from all the members and the determination and extra effort each and every member is willing to put in. Lets do it not for others and whatever, lets do it for ourselves!
As an arsenal fan, 2008 has been an eventful year for us. I can still rmb that damned night when dudu broke his leg at birmingham and the downward spiraling of our entire season since all the way to the heartbreak of losing in all 4 competitions and to this year's talented and inconsistent batch. No matter what, we must never give up on them, no one ever gives up on The Arsenal.
Heroes come and go. Passion is forever
And rightly so too.
Glory will arrive one day, i'm sure.
2008 has made me understand a lot of new and fresh stuff which i never knew i could experience. I've realised how important friends can be in our lives and how we should cherish them. Above all, i've realised how family can even be more important in our lives. Any and i mean ANY relationship can turn sour overnight but family ties will always last the test of time, always. I love my family very much, my father, mother, brother and sister. I'm a lucky boy to have such a family, a family that will stand by me no matter what i do (erm i'm good boy).
I'm finally 17, at long last. Its another 360 days before i turn 18 in which i will have (i hope) come of age. 2008 was an enjoyable year and lets brace ourselves, for wadeva that may be thrown towards us in 2009.
Theres just so much to learn and reflect from 2008, i will die typing if i have to list everything out.
I'm looking forward to 2009! C'mon you gunners too!
Goodbye 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
experienced doesn't mean better defence
1. Teach Gallas how to defend
2. Teach Toure how to defend
3. Teach Silvestre how to defend
4. Teach Nasri how to defend
5. Teach Clichy how to defend
6. Teach Denilson how to defend
7. Teach Alex Song how to defend
8. Teach Eboue how to defend
9. Teach Ramsey how to defend
10. Teach Almunia how to defend.
11. Tell Sagna 'Sorry mate, you deserve better defence partners =('
12. Defend
13. Head the ball to safety
14. Place effing 10 players behind the ball when you are defending a 2-1 lead away from home.
15. Place effing players to defend lead.
16. Defend lead.
17. Defend.
18. Defend.
19. Defend.
20. Convince myself we are not in the title race and we are heading for UEFA Cup unless we
21. Defend.
22. Buy players back in to defend.
23. Get kneown back in and teach Defence.
24. Enroll my team into "Defence for 6 year old dummies 2 weeks course"
25. Then enroll my team into "Defence for 12 year old dummies 3 weeks course"
26. Continue enrolling until the age of 30.
27. Burn DVDs to teach the players how to defend.
28. Remember to deliver to the injured cesc, rosicky, eduardo.
29. Learn how to defend.
30. Defend.
That would be a happy new year for everyone.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
I'm feeling like a monday
Money comes and go, thats for sure. No doubt about that. Shan't elaborate. uh huh.
Arsenal are in the title race. We probably have 0.5% chance of winning the treble this year. So yea, mathematically its still possible. 8 pts away from liverpool and probably 9 pts from chelsea after tonight. hmm, one aerosmith's song comes to mind... erpz.. erm...
Got it!
Dream On
I've to cut down on Mj, been winning crazy money and losing it away bit by bit. Gambling sucks. If you gamble, you better stop. I mean it.
But then again, how can life be exciting if you do not gamble? Gambling makes our lives more interesting, dont you agree?
Had primary 6 class gathering (shock). Primary six class is like from 2003 can, eons ago. And i'm quite proud to say i managed to invite more than 20 of us back. The number might have went up to 30 if they didn't so unlucky (damn unlucky man) fall sick on friday. uh huh, falling sick on fridays is very common one hor.
Nevertheless, it was fun! c'mon, i organised it, what do you expect? Carrying the food from downtown east to Mrs Choo's condo was no fun, it was torturous. And since the only help i had at that time was from my beloved monitress, i had to act hero a bit and carry the majority of the load, which explains my sore arms (But that didn't stop me from mjing!) Good job from both of us as we carried the bloody heavy stuff to the condo where we met Mrs Choo and her 2 cutie pies, while we waited expectantly for our dear primary class mates.
It was darn great to see them all again duh, even the long lost ones like qi xuan and IVAN TAN (SHOCK, big time) The water bottle man, holey ivan tan. haha ok, enough of that dude, the original bbq fire wasn't that strong because of some really unforeseen circumstances and we had to like restart the fire twice to finish BBQing 80% of the food. I dare say if the rest of the class who didn't come came, we would have finished the food. We planned the BBQ to perfection!
So it was the usual talk cock, photo taking, scandals (like those really ancient ones like ZQ & KL, Ben & Steph, Me & the rest of the class) Even getting into the rather warm water was fun. Those were moments money cant buy, meeting up with old (I think they fall into this category, even though i lived only 17 yrs of my pathetic life) friends really feel good. Like totally. yea totally.
My only regret was that i didn't manage to persuade everyone to come back, but i'm not discouraged! Last year we had 18 but this year we had 20. That two more, you maths noob. At this rate, we'll get the entire class by year 2015.
Monitress is fearing the thought of us being all 30 year olds. Frankly, i cant imagine that happening now, but hopefully there will still be a 6 faith gathering when that time arrives. Its a frightening yet exciting thought isn't it? What lies ahead of us all is certainly food for thought... hmm
Alright man, heres a few thousand words for you all!

Monday, December 15, 2008
I've made mistakes, i'm just a man
Its gonna be about the love of my musical life, Bon Jovi.
If you are a fan of the jonas bros or whatever shitty boy bands or rapper, then sucks to be you. You're obviously missing out a lot (and i mean it) by not listening to Bon Jovi. Now i'm not saying all his songs are perfect.
but just take a look at this
Pure perfection.
From 1 min 59 seconds that part where richie and jon combine their voices, too beautiful.
Its great to have such great music in your life
I'll be there when the stars don't shine, till the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Beautiful football all around
Arsenal got walloped 2-0 by Porto and for dunno how many times this season, we deserved it. Despite watching only 30 min of the match, it doesn't take a rocket scientist with IQ 240 to notice that Song, Diaby, Denilson are crappish and crap. Sometimes it makes us wonder where is all the 'quality' wenger claims to see every trng. Nevertheless, we qualify as second best in our group and thats certainly not the worst option around (barca aside, gulps). Finishing 1st might see us matching up against real, inter and sharks like those. Its never gonna be easy in the UCL.
Speaking of beautiful football, i managed to spend some of my time watching Lyon vs Bayern and what an amazing match that was. Despite going down 3-0 by halftime, Lyon almost fought back and lost to a mere 3-2. What scared the hell out of me was the ability of Karim Benzema.
I repeat, Karim Benzema. This guy will become a god. In one or two years, teams will start paying stupid money like 120 million pounds jus to get both of his legs.
He's too good to be true. Apart from his pace (which is very speedy as well), he is very much like a young Henry. Only that Henry was a wee bit faster than him i feel. But benzema plays with elegance and flair which makes any soccer neutral salivate. He has amazing balance and strength, a superb first touch, can head the ball, can power the ball, has the composure to finish, dribbles with head up, holding up ball, searching for teammates in crowded scenarios (Like DB10), wide range of passing skills, speedy pace and acceleration and hes young and FRENCH. The last point is enough to prove that Wenger is dreaming of him as arsenal striker every single night when he sleeps. Benzema is too impressive and i only hope he doesn't end up with chelsea or Man utd.
Apart from that, i noticed that most european teams have a considerable strong midfield compared to arsenal. Lyon's toulalan and makoun are very good. So is veloso for sporting lisbon. Arsenal obviously needs quality like those to play alongside fabregas.
Its 20 days to the transfer window. For the first time in my arsenal-supporting life, i have to say, Wenger must sign one, if not two quality midfielders.
It is our only hope of any glory this season.
No, depending on Diaby and Song and Denilson will not get you the title. They are, at best, good squad players but not 1st team Arsenal quality.
Its a long way to the end of season.
C'mon you gunners!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Fighting spirit.
Speaking of fighting spirit, there is one thing in this world that has been the strongest shit on earth. Introducing my very own tablet PC! IIRC, i thought my dear tablet has crashed itself out some months ago and the entire intel wireless hardware was cocked up inside. Miraculously, i left it for 1 day plus and it healed itself. Amazing stuff. But just yesterday, it outdid itself.
I was installing some mozilla crap when my comp just needed to restart shitself. What followed was a series of Blue Screens. Yea, u heard it, blue screens of death. Any retard with some computer knowledge will tell you getting blue screens is like getting cancer IRL. You may cure it temporarily but it will defeat you in the bitter end. Anw, in the wake of my tablet's sudden and shocking demise, i tried to revive it in whatever possible way a human (and a smart one at that) can do, but to no avail. at 12.38 am december 2008, i proclaimed my tablet PC dead.
Just when i thought my tablet uplorried, it decided to fight back.
Like the cheerleader from heroes, my dear tablet just fought back and clawed its way to revival. Imagine my happiness when i found it working this noon. All the backup and stuff are settled obviously, in case of any relapse. But this tablet has really been with me though thick and thin, PW, O lvls, crappy projects, essays, games, music, what nots. Though its old and can be frustrating noisy and hot at times, i have grown to love my tablet very much. So thank god, thank god for bringing back my tablet to me, to me!
The fact that i am typing this blog from my very own tablet makes me happy. =)
A healthy tablet makes me happy.
Thats 99th post for you! I will make sure the 100th 1 will be from my tablet itself!
God, i love you, dear tablet PC!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Arsenal makes me happy
We gunned down them at the damn bloody bridge itself! RVP should be immortalised after this match. Okay, maybe i'm exaggerating but robin was ravishing tonight! This will go down as one of arsenal classic. When i grow up and hug my lil child watching the 2030 arsenal playing with robots shooting balls out of their eye sockets, i will show him the footage of how rvp smacked the balls in and say "son, thats how they do it in MY time"
I love this.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Gotta breathe harder
No, its not about arsenal. I have a life okay?
Time to do what i do best
Monday, November 24, 2008
The time is here. Captain Cesc
Captain Fabregas. I'm loving it.
Wenger has pulled off a masterstroke. In this seemingly dark and endless tunnel, he has showed all of us the light at the end of the tunnel.
Whatever happens next is anyone's guess, no one can predict the future.
But what is important is that arsenal has seen the light, we are moving in the right direction.
C'mon you gunners!
I salute you, captain fabulous fabregas!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
its depressing, but don't ever give up
these defeats are not as shocking anymore. Arsenal ain't playing football near winning standards, this season might have already gone up in smoke.
c'mon you gunners
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
when the cold wind blows
Watched arsenal here. (The TV has 100+ channels ZOMGWTFBBQ) fuck it, we lost at home again to crap villa. I always thought villa was good but arsenal should really wake up their idea.
I knew i shouldn';t blog abt arsenal like the way i blogged about hull. It jinxes the team, especially cesc. Wellllll, we'll just try our best and pull off a man utd like last year. 9 pts is a huge gap but its still managaeable.
Right there, me loves this hell weather. Going to theme park now, a roller coaster ride in these winds should kill me if not make me cooler (i'm cool! get it?) Au revoir!
C'mon you gunners! pretty pls????
Friday, November 14, 2008
Its nothing personal, its just Taiwan.
Feels good to be going on an overseas trip with papa mama and hopefully there will be tonnes (and i mean tonnes!) of good food and some super shop selling cheap softball equipment.
I love'em cheap and good. Cheap stuff can be good too, trust me. But you do have to admit sometimes quality go hand in hand with price. yeaaaaa
Anw, to Arsenal now, we are gonna play Villa this sat and i'm gonna miss my second arsenal lge game this season. Its barely 15 games into the season and i'm missing out so much. Ohhh, what to do. And YES, 2 games is a lot to me.
They should do well. They must. I rmb the last time i said this, we got bamboozled by some crazy martian who likes to throw balls into the box at some 40 mph. Only this time, there ain't such martian but we do have to watch out for the blazing pace of agbon and ashley. DOuble A ooo, and they are much much faster than 40 mph.
Maybe ard 41 mph.
Oh yea, i managed to be an OGL, Allorix and the people there are like cool ttm to the max. Even my shi fu is in my OG. Yi Yong is in my sub og, amazing stuff. Cat high ppl attract one another.
Not in the way you are thinking right now. Stop that. Knock it off.
Watch Sui Yue Feng Yun, it is as good as Tang Xin Feng Bao. Imba HK serials. Me hearts and loves.
hahahahha c'mon you gunners!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Life's greatest invention - bed
I maintain that i was perfectly sober and normal on the first night.
Going to school during chalet sucked as much as my big brother. No, wait, it sucked more. It was so vacuum cleanerish that the ground was smacking clean. I think costa sands should put around 30 king sized kingkoil beds with red roses on it so i can lay on a bed of roses and sleep. 44 hours without sleep is no joke, and to think i was supp to have hell trng on the nxt day. As much as i wanna act gungho, my body and mind said 'nono u asshole, get some sleep before u murder yourself'. And so i obeyed my mind! I was KO - fied within seconds on the bed. Oh my, the bed was so comfy and nice you can sleep on it on your own. Yea. It was THAT great.
Oh yea, did i mention i was so tired on the second day, i didn't scream when a cockroach flew past me. Brave me. I didn't know sleepiness can make one invulnerable to yucky flying insects.
WWW was okay. I dun really prefer water cause i always feel water is so dangerous. (Thanks to movies like titanic, perfect storm, lady on the water) If only Singapore had those 89 degrees machine thing like in Japan, then the theme park would be purrrrfect.
The weather's good for some sick throwing of softball and me is love it bery much. Also the young guns defeated Wigan 3-0 nice and easy. Its really cool to see how good the youngsters are playing and its really amazing that some of them are only my age. Fricking sick and cool stuff. Wonder if they can play that well if they were 44 hours deprived of slumber...
I'm grateful to my class for making the chalet so fun. Yea fun, really! (believe meeee plssss) Though i felt like a total bastard waking the people up 2 am in the morning just to play murderer and made everyone deprived of sleep like myself, it was shiok. Hahahhaa. Ok, i was quite jealous they were sleeping so soundly on the bed and on MY ground sheet. It wouldn't kill to wake up 2 am right? Bastards deserve to be pumped with beer all night long until they are dead drunk. (do this to me pls!!!)
Right, all in all. Chalet is good. Beer is good. Life is good. Class is good. Bed is good, in fact, its the best fucking damn thing in this pathetic little world.
C'mon you gunners!
Friday, November 7, 2008
I was Nasri-ed
Outstanding game of football. Simply too cescular for my weak heart. Not to mention the booze the little boy brought to my house to drink. Arsenal made me high that i downed a whole bottle of tt delicious booze in 3 min. Then you have sexy arsenal and their football, Manutd and their 'millimetres away' misses. My heart almost stopped beating. I've never seen an arsenal and man utd clash so exciting before. It was scintillating football action from 1 min to 96 min! zomgggz.
Speaking of 96 min, the fucking officials almost screwed up everything with 6 min of extra time. 6 min is enough to toast a zillion pieces of gardenia bread (Which is so good you can eat it on its own). The point is the officials failed to screw us out, even after that wonder strike for some kid in Manure.
Nasri was godlike. No, beyond godlike. Cesc wasn't tt good, but a mediocre performance by him is betta than lots of players like for example hmm, robbie keano shit. Or dumb carrick. or abysmal anderson. Denilson was very very good, though i am not convinced he can do it week in and weeek out. Who cares, we won.
Blondie santa was superb until carrick forgot he was playing soccer and thought it was american football and delivered a kick to our poor santa's head. Sheer bravery from santa, i salute him! Hes getting betta these days, i love him ttm to the max.
Gd performance by the gunners all around, nth is more satisfying than winning manure at ur home. Keep your heads up, gunners and gooners!!
C'mon you gunners!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
vacuum cleaner is gone
yea, you know that thing i have been complaining about for god knows how long, its over. Done and dusted. Me hates PW and me knows it.
Ok, maybe i'll miss my grp members. I know they will be reading this so you might wanna leave an emo tag in your futile attempt to make my life miserable. It wont work! But really, a big thanks to Cedric, Sher Li, Jiang Wei and even Ka Lun (oi his creative community singapore saved my ass). I've been a cocked-up 'leader' so if not for my very exceptional grp mates, we wouldn't make it this far man.
PW. So irritating!!!
Yes its one of those days when i go really coo coo. Attributed to some shiokshiok MJ and fun time with class.
Oh wait, theres still the GPF, lemme go rugby tackle it and i will put the vacuum cleaner out once and for all. Gwahahahahaha.
SO annoying!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I am calm
Then he will elaborate:
1. We showed character in our play but perhaps we lacked some maturity in the defence
2. We were unlucky that delap wasn't scouted to be a human shotputter when he was 4 years old. He could be in Africa throwing elephants from way beyond the arc.
3. Gael Clichy was phenomenal in running around and he scored his 1st goal for the club (in like 6867 fucking appearances) and that's good. He's a good player
4. (On whether he shld buy more midfielders) I thought denilson, song and diaby had a really good game in the midfield. They can work tgt and become one of the greatest 3-headed broadway star in history and shld appear in 'whose line is it anyway' really. They are good players. I don't emergency buy. Even if we lose to stoke, hull and man utd nxt week. They are good players.
5. (On RvP red card) I didn't see it.
6. (On being out of the title race) Its still mathematically possible. I've calculated if we beat chelsea and man utd and liverpool both away and home, with a 5 goal margin each time, we can afford to lose to newcastle, bolton and likes of them. No, we're in a strong position to win the league. We cannot drop more points though.
7. (On next week, man utd game) I will rotate a bit. Pat rice will play striker while almunia will be our left winger. The emirates stadium stewards will play in defense. There is no punishment, they are good players.
8. Yes, they are good players.
Its gonna be classic wenger and its gonna be classic arsenal out of the title race. Lets do it for the carling cup.
Fuck this crap
Really man... fuck it
Yes, it is imperative we win here
Of course, i said that on impulse only because its 45 min to the big kickoff against stoke city. Woohoo. We should win.
If my memory serves me right, monday is my OP day so i shouldn't eat too much crisps. But what is soccer without crisps?! Its like a horse without wings, or a sword without eyes, or a tv without a kukubird, or a David Bentley without his kuku bird. Hope no sore throat ok?
I was totally inspired to blog just now but a few games of mahjong made me all blurred and i dunno wad else to write. So i shall leave it like this, yea.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
How did we allow sp*rs to hit back from 4-2 to 4-4 in the last 2 min?
It's fucking crazy.
Monday, October 27, 2008
not all pain is gain
talk abt crap beating crap. Battle of crap. The crap match to end all crap. Crap of the crap. The Crap. Chilli CraP. The amazing adventures of Crap defeating... Crap.
You get the crap drift.
Arsenal are fourth, 19 pts, 4 behind livercrap and 1 behind chelcrap.
The weekend was fabregastingly fabreulous. Softball was nice at NJC, soccer was great at B park. Wii today was simply cescular. Wii is actually quite enjoyable but u really need people to play this social game machine with you, or u will get really loneleeee. like realllllly loneleeeee.
Hectic week ahead, softball trngs and ARC trngs will prove to be quite a challenge for my weak physical being but i shall give it a go. Not to mention the vacuum cleaner OP and crap of such sort.
Pain is an illusion, live with it.
Next up are the jokers spurs, who finally managed to have more pts than a triangle. North london derby. I expect a cracking game with arsenal winning around 8 goals more. That clown of a keeper gomes better not turn on god mode for this match.
Happy deepavali to all you gooners and non gooners. Let there be light for the gunners and myself.
C'mon you gunners!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
captain in crisis
Europe job was very very good. Turkish delight all way round. 5-2 to the arsenal could easily be 6526- 6183. Crazy game, crazy pace, crazy defences, crazy goals, crazy starhub who forced me to watch same day telecast and not live. Good to see arsenal playing again, shiok.
Life's pretty eventful with PW and OP and softball and air rifle here and there. LG LG LG.
C'mon you gunners!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Arsenal strikes back while i failed to watch
i'm supp to do pw now so yea i gonna do it.
before i forget,
C'mon you gunners!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Best of both worlds
You have a pretty decent girlfriend and she gives you quite a lot of freedom n stuff liddat and you feel pretty good when with her. Other than that, she will forever be a pretty decent girlfriend.
Then suddenly you have a choice to go for this really hot babe but sacrifices will have to made. You will have to spend more money on her, withstand her lil tempers and all. and you even have a choice to be with both of them together.
What will you do?
Of course that didn't happen to me bleah. I was contemplating joining softball in VJ after i went for their trng jus now on the bus. I must admit it was physically punishing for me(my fitness is crap) but i really enjoyed my few hours there(even those few min when the coach was scolding and diaoing me) and those few hours almost made me agree joining the sport. That would be purely on impulse cos lets not forget, i am an exco in air rifle. I cant bear to sacrifice air rifle just becos i have the passion for softball and i love the sport. that would be irresponsible, right?
I cant have the best of both worlds, i cant dedicate 4 days to softball and 4 days to air rifle. That is suicidal, i've made my choice a few months ago to run for exco and i shld respect the decision the teachers made in giving me my position and of course i have to respect ARC and all the members.
Softball will forever be my passion, Air Rifle is my commitment.
There will come one day when i will play softball again, mark my words =)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
we need some action
Its been some time since i saw my love in action, come back come back my beloved arsenal. 2 more days to some real soccer action, i cant really. Thats what this blog is all about ain't it, arsenal and more arsenal.
In the meantime, today is the blogger's brother's birthday. The blogger's brother is actually a manure fan but i guess brotherhood transcends boundaries, even amongst the bittermost rivals. Happy 21st birthday u big bully.
I am truly blessed to have such a fun CT and if any one of u losers(ahha jk!) from 08s54 is reading this, i just wanna say...
let me win more money in mj nxt time!
haha no really, 08s54 is special, its a class which i will tell my children, maybe even grandchildren next time about. I'm in no shape to blog right now, i cant think straight, nor curve.
I promise a better post next time when i'm not groggy. Hell i dun even know who i am talking to
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
when the fucking body says no no no
When it rains, it pours.
You thought that was bad? Theres always still pw. PW and WR sucks so much so that my vacuum cleaner cant even compete.
I need to recover faster. I want to softball and play sports again. I am strong, i am strong, i am strong...
Positive self-talk, it should work.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Route to heaven or to hell?
You know smth? PW and WR just made my marble floor super clean. Why? It sucks. (Like a vaccum cleaner, geddit u noob?) Soon, we will come up with brilliant ideas to complete our WR, which is due on wednesday. And today is sunday. And we are gonna hand up our second (shock) draft on Monday. And we gonna have more problems when it comes back on tuesday. And we have to perfect it by wednesday. From calculations, cedric reckons we'll be deadmeat on thursday.
PW just made our lives so much funner. Yeap. No, really. Trust me.
I've just came to the realisation that promoting for next year is important. Its not because we can hit on J1 girls as seniors, or eat wanton mee for only 1 year more. Its PW, everything revolves around PW.
PW is sufficient to make even the best of men to go coo coo. As you can see right now. Ok, if you are still reading till here, stop and go do PW. If you stop one paragraph before, you won't even be here. So crap off and do PW.
Anyway, wanton mee is very heavy. (One-tonne mee, geddit?)
Shit pw.
Monday, October 6, 2008
We are bored
1. The person who tagged you is?
Tan Li Xuan
2. Your relationship with him/her?
My friend's pw mate's fren's classmate's pw mate' teacher's student (My classmate)
3. Your five impressions of him/her?
2 eyes, 1 nose, 1 mouth, 2 ears and wear skirt
4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you?
Tagged me this shit
5. If he/she becomes your lover?
I don't go for girls
6. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you?
Jing Wei, can you return me my handphone.
7. If he/she became your lover, he/she has to improve on?
Sudoku skills. No wait, she has to go for sex change
8. If he/she became your enemy, you will?
Bake her cookies
9. If he/she became your enemy, the reason will be?
She dun wan eat my cookies
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her is?
Bake her cookies and force her to eat. Like millions of it.
11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
Refer to answer 3 or call 1800-overallimpression-of-you.
12. How do you think the people around you will think about you?
Smart,charismatic, suave, sings well, handsome, strong, buff, amazingly funny, humorous, a lil like brad pitt, and tom cruise, did i mention handsome?
13. The characters you love of yourself are?
Everything on 12.
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are?
Also everything on 12
15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
16. For people who care and like you, say something to them.
go do your pw pls. i'm on my 7th draft
17. Pass this quiz to 10 people.
me, myself, my shadow, jingwei, limjingwei, jingweil, ljingwei, jingweilim, jing W. L., and I
18. Who is number 6 having a relationship with?
the same as number 1 and 2. And 5. Also 7
19. Is no. 9 male or female?
20. If no. 7 & 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
holy cow, i'm not sure.. wad u reckon?
21. What is no. 2 studying about?
PW ftw
22. What kind of band does no. 8 like?
Bon Jovi
23. Does no. 1 have any siblings?
24. Will you woo no. 3?
yea no prob
25. how about no. 7?
26. Is no. 4 single?
Of course
27. What is the surname of no. 5?
28. What’s the hobby of no. 10?
Same as 9
29. Does no. 5 & 9 get along well?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
For tonight, i sleep on a bed of nails
Dang, i hate it so damn much but i can do nothing except whining about it. And of course doing it.
Yeap its pw
Anyway, arsenal struggled against Sunderland in a match where i am in no position to comment as i didn't watch it becos starhub chose to screen wigan and boro. yarrrrrrr, wigan, yeap. wigan instead of arsenal. Talk about business tactics.
Apparently, denilson sucked, RvP had a goal ruled out by cock-eyed refs who cant differentiate their mums from their wives, we got hit by a 'wonder' goal (fuck, when are these goals gonna stop?) and fabulous fab saved the day with a header. Its a normal day at work for the gunners. And i even heard gallas changed his boots in the middle of the game and almost caused us to concede a goal. Wonder captain, really.
Its still early in the season but the signs ain't tt encouraging. We gooners have to stand behind them and encourage them to fight against those money-throwing digusting clubs. Keep the faith.
Keep the faith is a song by bon jovi, btw.
Alright, the one helluva week is over so its time to get back to business again. Man i really need to get some sleep and yea i am gonna get it right now.
to infinity and beyond!
Man i love bed of roses
Monday, September 29, 2008
tell me what the hell are you waiting for?
Lets recap:
Friday - Class outing at swensons. ooo, despite the hole in my wallet, it was pretty gd haha
Saturday - it was crazy. Softball at NJC was sex. i mean rlly good. ate at some strange restaurant which was rather nice. then it was mahjong. argh, to feel the tiles was orgasmically fantastic. took some crap pics with the mj clique haha, maybe i will upload after arsenal wins the season. (which, for an arsenal fan, i think is impossible) blasting songs and singing in my bonjovi voice was great.
Sunday - weekend football, what more can i say? =)
shopped with erny the hotbod today and i cant say i like shopping. If i had like 20 credit cards to spend, maybe it will be more enjoyable. Maybe.
tomorrow's gna be fun too. This whole wk is jus gna be awesome. You probably wont see me until end of this week. I have:
BMT outing with class
swensons with my beloved darling monitress
airrifle open hse
vjc open hse
heroes 3!
theres much more. I swear i will hang out with my family more too. In the meantime, go satisfy urself with some demotivational posters. I've got a few gd ones which i am just too lazy to post.
Oh and i cant blog abt arsenal. I am shell shocked after the defeat to hull at home. Yea shocked. really la! believe me can
C'mon you gunners!!!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Houston, we have a problem...
Study & squeeze a bare minimum pass == At least you pass and don't have to start ur next yr schl life with the J1s. Imagine the time you wasted on mugging, i cant
Study & fail borderline-ly == You are either hell stupid and f***ing stupid. Face it, loser
Study ALOT & fail miserably == What else can i say? Sucks to be you
Don't Study and pass with flying colors == Snap out of it, you aren't in Narnia or Hogwarts. Dreams are like rainbows, only idiots chase them
Don't study and fail like the rest of the losers == At least you cant confirm you are just plain dumb. Perhaps a lil mugging will pull you through. Perhaps
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Econs are like women. You think you know them but you haven't actually got the slightest idea about them.
Dang, i'm not gonna tell you people i haven't started on econs
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wake up your idea
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Scraping through..
GP was bleah. I don't read chick lit and i dun tink i ever will but tts not the point. The paper was probably set for people with higher intellect (unlike you me and everyone else). Alright, you might think the paper was easy and you will ace it, continue living in your lil bubble ok?
Note of advice is not act gungho and not sleep before any exams. It torments your body.
AND my sch's canteen doesn't brew hot coffee until around 7 plus. Looks like i will bring my own MUG and brew my own coffee. Any willing parties to join me in this social revolution?
till later..
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Livin' on a prayer
We should win, i reckon.
Spas are good for the body. SPA is a waste of time. spot the difference. I don't see myself swinging pendulums in both the near and far future for my career. But as Quay KK once said : "you live in the system, so follow the system" or smth along tt line, i dun usually listen to him but hey! He's got a point there. Just gotta grit through it like nobody's business.
Its time for the final lap. I had a final lap last yr during prelim 3 and O lvls and now this. Looks like theres lots of final laps for me to cover. Not so 'final', isn't it?
At least it motivates.
Argh, c'mon you gunners!
And you gooner
Saturday, September 13, 2008
you know things aren't right...
4 - 0 to arsenal against Bully Blackburn. No sympathy wadsoeva, they sucked, sucks and will suck more than anyone can imagine.
Good win, good 3 pts, good 4 hours of soccer.
Life's effing gd
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Lethargy leads to grumpiness.
Both of the above are facts and they are proven.
I proved them
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Seven days without arsenal makes one weak
Theo reckons he can be a good winger for England, i reckon he can be a goddammit brilliant smacking legend for arsenal. TJW14 ftw.
its Theo J Walcott btw, i dunno his middle name but i like JW. Why? Cos tts my name! tts why.
I'm going coo coo without arsenal news and plain darn dumb PW. If god loves us so much, den why the f*** did he create PW? hhaa
I'm reaching home earlier these days, sleeping more these days, and missing that stupid 55 bus stop every single day. The strange thing is that i always wake up on that particular stop and will then be tormented seeing myself drifting some 400m away to the next stop. Must be due to the bon jovi songs i have been listening so much these days. I just used 'these days' 3 times and BTW 'these days' is a bon jovi song.
Bon jovi is rock.
This ain't a love song.
Air supply ain't that bad too.
There are things in my life that cheer me up and i'm pretty cheered up right now. Arsenal, bon jovi, emo nemo songs are just some of these wonderful things. Of course, i have amazing people in my life too =) You gotta figure out yourself if you are one of those people, this should take up 1 or 2 hrs of your life. Great game to take your mind off all the stressful stuff we have in this hectic world.
Oh man, i still think those picture below are darn cute, haha!
For now....

Friday, September 5, 2008
The kid blogger

Howdy, since young, i have always been looking up to my brother.
A picture speaks a thousand words so heres a few thousand for u
Teck: "来,korkor 保护你!”
JW : "Kor kor! 我被保护了!”

Spot me, you people. As you can all see, my eyes were diverted somewhere else. (It was to meet the gaze of this really cute chick)
Man, my childhood crush is in the picture! The problem is i dont even remember her name! What a waste.

Oh you cutie pie! But its time to face the truth, i will never be with you....

So did you guys guess correctly? U gotta admit i am/was/will be super cute..
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
we're halfway there...
Robinho is good, we wanted him be4 IIRC but for 32.5 million pounds? Can i have tt nasri pls? And upsize it
No way would i (and wenger) spend tt sort of obscene lump of money on robinho. I'm feeling optimistic and i think wenger knows what hes doing. Its obvious he dont believe in big names, and he will stick with his young guns, no doubt abt tt. Ok lets move along from man city, we've signed..
Thank god i didn't stay up late to do hourly refreshes. I am unimpressed by wenger dealings this off season but i have faith in him. If wenger cant do it, no one can, yes not even me =).
I tell u pw is the suck and i still believe so. Its should be renamed as 'effective waste of bloody time and effort' then we should force all secondary 3 students to start doing the project until J2 and we will give them OP every year. Then each year, we must force them to come up with new idea to help their project and f***ing do the project. Ah yes, tt will teach them to be strong.
Sorry for tt outburst, pw rlly sucks (and blows too)
Hols are feeling good now, i'm having a good break now i even managed to do some work. Its amazing, considering i spent 789/790 of june break to do things i dun even rmb doing. Yea, even for my superior standards, studying during holidays is rare.
My dreams are pretty sweet these days, must be due to the fact that i think of sweet stuff before i sleep. Don't stray away, with sweet stuff, i mean honey, sugar, sweets, bananananaas etc... Banana ish good and so are sweet dreams (esp when the person is in it)
Haha i will leave it hanging, you can guess the person if u like, maybe i will award you with Swenson's if u managed to guess the person correctly. Wonder if he/she is feeling tired, cos shes(oops!)/hes(edited in) been running in my mind.
I love cornies.
For my beloved arsenal, i will give them a quote from my beloved bon jovi:
We've gotta hold on to what we've got,
it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not.
We've give it a shot!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Deja vu
I love it.
So many positives. Even comrade eboue provided an assist. Good match, good spirit and good result. Thats all any fan can ask for.
For now, lets do hourly refresh on tt arsenal.com page. We need our signing
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
What a wonderful world
No i'm kidding, its a wonderful world =)
Arsenal gonna take on twente. I'd put my money on the might arse and go for a 3-0 win. RvP to score 2 and ade 1. Then they will go around the BPL raping torturing defenders. Defenders will pee and poo in their pants and kneel down in front of them, weeping like babies. Then they will say :' you pathetic fools!' before firing in goals after goals. Then RvP and Ade will run around topless hugging arsene wenger and eat the arsenal badge. Man, what a wonderful world.
PW is teh suck. i hate it and i believe pw hates me as well. So long its mutual hatred, i don't mind. =) I'm not gonna let u spoil my world man, u pathetic pw.
The KFC meal making me barfed up now. KFC's good, life's good and arsenal is good.
This is such a brilliant world, boom de ah dah
Wonderful, the world is
Monday, August 25, 2008
I reading bwog
I hate flu, it makes my voice sounds so darn sexy.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
the guest blogger blogs
this is the special guest leaving her indelible mark on this ar-se-ly (utterly, get it?) arsenal-ish blog. the owner of the blog is currently emo-ing and considering eating some worms. that poor arse.
it's not this blogger's fault that arse refused to wake up this morning to go to the doctor's! it's also not her fault his face (and body) are the way they are. but maybe drcharleslim can work magic. we'll see.
i see the owner's given up trying to convince this blogger to stop doing whatever she's doing. oh well. no fun in doing this then. bleah.
wake up, you gooner!
Not good enough
The central mid problem is one hell of a problem. Last season this time, we had up to 7 central mid fielders but now we have 4 established (Song is included, wtf) midfielders, including one that cannot stop getting injured. The team needs cesc and its not necessarily a good thing as there will be matches where cesc wont be able to play. heck it, looks like its gonna be a long season for us arsenal. Arsenal relish challenges and will never yield to the likes of the scums and manures and chel-money and scousers.
Wake up, gunners! Do what you guys do best, be champions
Thursday, August 21, 2008
comfort zone
Life's pretty comfortable right now. I've had noon naps the past 4 days and its just fantastic. Sleep is just so hell important and its crazy when u have people not sleeping for years.
What a crazy bunch of mad men, notice the fact only the men did it. Something's definitely not right up there in that department.
GP was fun. We had some cool videos here n there by some welsch guy who has so much free time to produce those time consuming videos. This is a classic example of eat full nothing do.
To the Arsenal news, we have confirmed the signing of Mikel Silves. Holy cow, hes the last person i'll ever imagine Wenger signing, ok maybe apart from Gallas a few years back. But Silves? I rmb swearing at him on TV a few years back when he was doing fine for the manures but now hes donning the red and white of arsenal. Lets see what he can do before i do my judgement on him. It is undeniable, though, that he will bring depth to the squad.
Right. Now surprise me wenger and buy some real good DMs. Just hope he wont do stunts and buy paul scholes.
C'mon you gunners!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
They call it paradise, i don't know why
Answer that yourself. =)
Eagles is(are?) an incredible band. The lead singer Don Henley is a master in touching people's souls with his voice and music. Spare me the trouble and go youtube them yourself. Last Resort, Desperado and the holy Hotel California will blow you away.
You call someplace paradise,
kiss it goodbye
Monday, August 18, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Glory Singapore! Our country will at last appear on the medal standings at long last. (its worth noting we haven experienced such international glory since we became independent)
Olympics and the sexy phelps aside. Its BPL time! Arsenal vs WBA aka 'waiting to be relegated.. again' will be the 1st match of the 08/09 season. I'm trembling with excitement right now, all caused by the sheer thought of some scintillating arsenal football tmr. yipee! Right there, i'm gonna stop acting cute for my age already..
This has been a relaxing week. Apart from the econs assignment and maths and physics and chem, i have nothing to do at all! No hmwk for GP whatsoever! Right, i hope you sense the sarcasm. I've heard that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, so perhaps i'm getting less witty these days.
That's depressing
Hmm, its friday night and you know what that means right? Yea!!
Tomorrow's saturday! and yesterday was thursday!! How amazing was that man?! I'm probably sputtering rubbish and spamming factorias (Is that how u spell it? No, i dun wanna use 'exclamation marks', hmph) so lets wrap this up!
Life's good! Yea!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
When its more painful than anything else
Many of our experienced old guns have left, notably hleb, gilberto, mad jens and the flamster. TBH the future don't seem too good for us gooners right now. But then, who am i to comment?
Arsene knows, he always knows.
In Arsene we trust
I'll be with the gooners as Liz pub as they kick off the season, champions, thats are we the arsenal are made of.
Watch this space!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
i'm feeling patriotic
National day is always so fun, compounded by the fact i can mesmerise my audience with my angelic voice, singing national songs.
Yea right.
The young gunners won the amsterdam tourny so yea dont complain with us not winning any silverware. (no i am joking really, the cup is not as 'prestigious' as the organisers claimed.)
Lets see, i shall leave my part 2 of my memories to some other time. Time to look to the future. I wonder if i should take up gambling as an occupation. (you know, IR and all makes everything looks perfect) Mahjong with jason, jul, xr and lyd was quite entertaining. Not very rewarding though since i can even count the number of times i win using just one hand.
ok not tt bad. Maybe both hands.
Point is i won 10 cents after like 3 hrs. How rewarding. den again, you cant expect much if u are playing 10 - 20cents (unlike the big bully who dares to play suicidal mahjong at 2-4 dollars)
Its drizzling and i have soccer in 2 hrs time. god pls stop the rain, pretty pls?
Happy bday singapore, and c'mon you gunners!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Kalun + Emirates part 2 + Hell lots of memories
I'm feeling relaxed right now, just like wenger always claim he is feeling. The matchup against real was a sneak preview of what to expect from our slinging gunners in the near future. 16 aug to be exact, though we were still missing The Cesc. When hes fully fit and raring to go, i do see lots of hope for the coming season.
Young Jack impressed yet again. The way he made that chainsaw massacre killer wannabe look like a fool is gonna propel him to stardom soon. ok, maybe i was exaggerating but jack was godly again. I mean i never knew other 16 yr olds can be THIS gd, apart from myself of course, which i rate myself pretty highly. Maybe 1/56789087654567898765 of The Cesc. Crap, wilshere is gonna be a star soon. Watch out all of you out there
Football aside, our dear friendly sociable crazy lunatic fun-loving talkcocksingsongplaymahjong sayjokesnotfunnyalsocanmakeppllaugh kalun is gone. Tmd. This is the guy who made my life in VJ so much more more more enjoyable during our 'bedding in' season (AKA pre JAE/PAE, i like to beat about the bush, bleah) I bet many of my classmates would not disagree that this hongkee has transformed the entire 08s54 class to a mightily bonded class. (By typing 08s54, i am exposing myself to my schlmates, argh, the power of google)
Lets do some reminiscing shall we? HAHA you cant refuse!
(For the next section, viewer discretion is advised. The subsequent wall/walls of text might not be good for the eye according to some opticians and witch doctors)
Ka lun was not in school for the 1st day of official schl. (shock) So which means he did not have to withstand the lecture we had from mr young (yea thats his name, young, as in young young, not old young). The bullcrap about our class not interacting and being too darn silent. What was he expecting man, that was like the first bloody time we actually went to a place as a class. Moving on... IIRC cedric the man and me started soliciting... no wait, erm we asked our classmates to sit with us during a certain econs lecture. Shu han and chermain were the lucky ones, yea. then the painful memories of being rejected by xr and germaine to sit with us during one of the lunch breaks. it wasn't long after the rest of the class like elton, zhi bin they all started mingling with us more often. All that happened without Kalun, ahhahaha.
I rmb walking up to kalun with my sexy green shorts and all (cathigh, dammit!) and started to randomly mentioning my greatest love, Arsenal. Turns out tt hongkee is an arsenal fan too. And readers, note that arsenal fans will always be buddies, it transcends all physical boundaries. Naturally, he was the destined to be my best mate since the rest of the class are either Man utd or loserpool fans. Oops, did i say loserpool? Ok where was i? Ah yes kalun is an arsenal fan and we became best friends ever since.
(no its not over yet)
Poker cards were our bonding tool. No matter how quiet or introvert one may be, a game of bridge will open him up. We played dai dee, bridge, some loserish lvl pigs game and of course the stupid yet enjoyable murderer crap. Ka lun cracked us up with his blinks which is so bloody obvious that even a blind man would jump up and say "hey you blinked!". All the 'lets pon lecture!' moments but i think only a few of those occasions worked out. Some ppl just have too much sense of self righteousness to skip lessons. Yea, myself la.
Then we have the crappish outings we always have. Outings which we have to set meeting time at 8 am or people will start sauntering in at around 3 pm... The usual s54 latecoming tradition yea. We've had emo song and poem sessions, crazy dinner outings (with snrs too, haha those disgusting zhong ji mi ma thing)
Part 2.. coming soon
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Emirates Cup Part 1
Some interesting to point out, ramsey looks good on the ball and kieran gibbs is obviously talented. Nasri still looks like a lost tourist on the pitch and jack wilshere is gonna become a legend. Mark my words, when wilshere shoot to fame in the future, be sure to acknowledge that i was the first one to point out his potential. That 16 yr old kid is gd, quite unbelievable for someone his age. Hes even more talented than me when i was 16!(No wait, i still am 16)
0 pts and no goals scored. Arsenal are bottom of the table, oh well, what to do. I'm just slightly bothered by the fact we are not shooting but the overall play is still not too bad. A midfield god has to come, someone to allow fabregas to shine has to be there. I'm not yet convinced denilson or diaby can step up, notice i used 'yet'. In the future maybe, now definitely not. We were certainly missing fabregas just now and maybe some RVP. Hope they will get a runout tmr against real(who are gonna take our gold plated trophy back to sunny spain, yucks).
The future is bright, if the players know to shoot.
C'mon you gunners!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sinful naps
Arsenal signed some Bischoff guy which i don't think i should waste any of my potential nap time elaborating.
Yea, the big bully IS back. Apart from being a bigger and fatter bully, he haven changed a single bit. Still so big and burly and always dota till 3 am. But hes back so thats great, cos my bank is finally home!
I gotta find some time to go out with him. For all you may know, i might buy 1000 bucks worth of damage without spending a single cent.
Oh we love big brothers, dont we?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Yea CHMA's tmr. And wk the man is coming over to stay and gay. For one night only, of course. Ahh yes, one night stand. CHMA has always been an occasion where my cathigh buddies and i unite and we talk cock like there's no tomorrow. Really anticipating that.
Gonna go buy plants for the rifle range and decorate it up soon, feeling quite good with all the tasks at hand. Enjoying life now man. No, seriously.
I've realised my paragraphs and hell short and i'm using 'hell' and 'not too bad' very often these days. Isn't it amazing how these words get etched into ur brain and you just seem to want to use it? no? den go away.
Tang Xin Feng Bao is the best drama serial i've ever watched. Period.
C'mon you gooners!
Random is the name of the game
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Just kidding.
I'm listening to 沉默的羔羊 now. Yeap, if u dunno what the bananas that is, its the main theme song from the oldie 赌神 show, 双天自尊. Classic. 赵传 is hell good, its sad to see most singers today cant even perform up to half of his standard yet their gimmicks are earning them so much cold hard cash. World is changing and please bear with me for being for philosophical.
Music can be very subjective and everyone is entitled to his or her own taste, so yea chill.
Nothing much happening on the Arsenal front now, other than the unexpected nasri deal. unexpected, no really. And we may get gareth barry. And he's english, no really.
This blog is taking way too long cos i'm listening to 我總於失去了妳 now. Its in traditional chinese cos i copied paste from youtube, geddit? I feel dumb talking to myself, but what can i expect.
School's becoming a chore these days, and the prob is that there isn't much homework at all. In fact, i have not done any useful work at home. And theres the shitty eom and maths tutorial which i just barely remembered. I don't feel very much like talking in class anymore, its making me hell lethargic and sometimes i really wonder why i talk so much. It must be in the genes. But i'm sick of making those vocal chords move anymore and my sense of humour is losing it. Must be the haircut. I always feel unfunny after haircuts. everything is to blame now yea. but no, i'm not emo. Guess everyone needs a break sometimes.
Darn, lets just sleep this away. Oh yea and the song just ended.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Where are you?
Nasri, i am waiting!
Why the hell haven he signed? Seriously whats wrong with the deal, the delay is rather worrying, despite reports that he has officially signed. I'm not gonna believe any of the birdcrap until arsenal.com OFFICIALLY announces it. Amaury Bischoff? 21 years old, spent 99.277384% of his time injured on the treatment table, set to sign for arsenal. brrrr, force me to get excited. Please.
Wenger is always right, i know hes gonna do something great. He already did 1 by giving Theo 14. i can imagine chanting TW14 in a few years time during matches. Be the one we need theo!
OK, C for maths was a relief. S for chem was quite disappointing though i did see it coming (who couldn't when it charges to you like a big fat ASS??). Anything better than S for econs n i declare Pascal Cygan as the greatest arsenal player ever. Other than Francis Jeffers of course.
Good god in heaven, give me strength. i mean literally. I'm feeling weak all over these days and some instant strength will do me good. I need a new bag, and i'm gonna get 1.
(I'm gonna do it!!!)
C'mon you gooners!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Its over
Yet the greatest loss i had was on wednesday, when my youngest uncle passed away due to cancer after a long exhausting fight with the disease. He was 40 years old.
Its a sad loss to many of us, his relatives, friends, family... but one thing for sure, hes found his peace and his mortal suffering has ended.
I went to the wake for i have to be part of the rituals to be completed. Seeing his 3 children without their father anymore, my heart went to them. The oldest of the 3 is only primary 4 and the youngest, a lovely girl, is only a few years old. I doubt they even understood the entire funeral thing. Strangely enough, i cant find words to describe this bittersweet feeling.
Tears are not signs of weakness. God created us with emotions and allow us to feel. I cherish this fact that shedding tears is an indication that we are humans. Seeing my grandmother weeping and sobbing was heartwrenching, i couldn't help but shed a few of my human tears too. My mother and aunties all tried to fight back their tears without any significant effect while my uncles succumbed too. Death may have taken one from us, but it has also brought us closer to one another.
Such is the humanity of life, no one can fight it. I believe my uncle has been taken to salvation and he shall watch over our family alongside god.
Monday, June 23, 2008
walking wounded
MID years... (god its not even promos yet)
E is for Econs.
that will suffice.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Howdy, i'm obsessed with stars. No not those pesky things shining in the night sky(which is heavily polluted by fartgas, CO2, shitfuel and whatnots), but the song from Les Miserables. Gosh, i love that musical man, hopefully one will come in sg soon and i might go, you know.
Hold on a second. If you think i'm gonna blabber the whole (boring) review of the musical right now, then my friend, you are wrong. My title is very ambiguous and can represent many various meanings. ahh yes, football stars =)
Arsenal just signed Aaron Ramsey. Stop those 'who the f...' or ' what?! 17?! pui!', we actually beat the manures to capture his signature. Fantastic. Even if this guy gonna sit on the bench for the next gazilion years to come, we would still love him for choosing us instead of losers. Good choice, i say, young one, your future is bright. To infinity and be... Right sorry. Can't deceive myself in saying i am over the moon for this signing as he will be one for the future, just like denilson, diaby, walcott, sendy, djourou, clichy.... the same old stuff, yea u know them.
Euro watch: yea Oranje ftw. Win the god damn tournament man. The rest of the teams just lose can? Frankly, i dun really give a shit who gonna win this tournament.
Mid years will defeat me, i swear. I have tried resisting the inevitable, no wait... i haven.. argh heck it. Its stressful studying. Yea before you start saying 'since when is studying fun and unstressful(new word)', be reminded i'm quite proud of myself being able to last through more than 10 hrs of mugging, yea i mean it MUGGING, continuously through night last year. Who am i kidding man, i prolly wont get that drive and sense of urgency until A lvls come knocking at my door so yea lets not whine anymore, shall we?
Its nobody's except my own fault, i cant argue. I wasted more than 2 weeks doing shit i should have never done. In fact, i have done so much of it, i cant rmb what i did. haha, this is getting nonsensical, i should stop soon, really.
No really.
Gosh, am i going bonkers?
Lets go one big round back to the beginning (just like what happened to my f*king pw project), and talk about 'stars'
Watch this video man, its great:
And this:
Yea Videos make the world go round. This is getting stale and my eyes are getting tired.
Life's good. yes
And if they fall as lucifer fell..
they fall in flames!