Saturday, October 11, 2008

Route to heaven or to hell?

howdy, i'm in the midst of some crazy pw meeting where we are deciding to break people's backs so they will buy our product to save their backs. I hate it when people correct my english, especially when they are in the bottom 5 of the class, like me.

You know smth? PW and WR just made my marble floor super clean. Why? It sucks. (Like a vaccum cleaner, geddit u noob?) Soon, we will come up with brilliant ideas to complete our WR, which is due on wednesday. And today is sunday. And we are gonna hand up our second (shock) draft on Monday. And we gonna have more problems when it comes back on tuesday. And we have to perfect it by wednesday. From calculations, cedric reckons we'll be deadmeat on thursday.

PW just made our lives so much funner. Yeap. No, really. Trust me.

I've just came to the realisation that promoting for next year is important. Its not because we can hit on J1 girls as seniors, or eat wanton mee for only 1 year more. Its PW, everything revolves around PW.

PW is sufficient to make even the best of men to go coo coo. As you can see right now. Ok, if you are still reading till here, stop and go do PW. If you stop one paragraph before, you won't even be here. So crap off and do PW.

Anyway, wanton mee is very heavy. (One-tonne mee, geddit?)

Shit pw.

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