For the first time in these horrid few weeks, i'm actually feeling optimistic about this all-england clash. It is worth noting that we knocked in 9 goals into their net in 2 matches but we have also lost 4-1 to them, thanks to this stick insect.

But i doubt he'll be featuring this time, liverpool need benchwarmers for el nino to rest after he flops a full 89 min. I hope the gunners can really teach liverpool a huge football lesson, lets say 5-0?
Ok enough of football for a moment, i've realised that i have been spending time away as though it is free. Hang on, time is indeed free... shucks but i know you know what i meant? I feel its bad english to use the same words in the same sentence but i'm really too lazy to change it to 'you get my drift?' but 'know' is a very common word so pardon me if i had offend any serious english speakers out there. This is getting nowhere
Right, schl's a bore and people should know that i seldom sleep during lessons. Its not like i expect them to know but since they know me, they should know, you know? I think its great knowing that one should not use 'know' too many times at one go as people would know that know is one of my fav word, you know?
Anw its april fool's today and i have been a really really good boy *Smiles with those dimples and all* Apart from adding toothpaste into that cookie and adding salt into fruits and offering to unsuspecting homo sapiens, i have done nothing, whatsoever, to glorify this day and make it fruitful. Oh well, what to do?
I think i might be rooting for Man utd tonight against roma. Man utd is actually a really great squad with depth and talent and should they win the UCL and BPL, i will give it to them hands down. I think beside Manutd, Arsenal would always rank in second and never would they surpass Man utd in terms of their achievements or style of play. Yea.
Oh wait, you guessed it, that was april fools! Haha!
I know you know that i know i am feeling very bored now and i know you know i dun usually type such useless stuff, if you really know me or u tink you know me. Ya, i usually do more useless stuff than this you know?
All in the name of fun! You know?
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